Let’s Talk About Brands and What Attracts Us To Them.

The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge
2 min readJul 22, 2016


We are all attracted to different brands. Something one person is drawn to, another person may dislike. Every day we are bombarded and constantly drawn to messaging from various types of brands and what they are selling.

Here at The Girls’ Lounge, we were curious to find out which brands resonate and why. The incredible girls from Genesis, as part of our AskHer series, share why they are interested in certain brands. Their answers provide us some insight.

We discovered that most are looking for quality. A quality product usually ends up with a great reputation and will attract the girls to purchase it. Comfort often goes along with quality, and the girls didn’t want anything that wasn’t comfortable or easy to wear. However, if it isn’t presentable, it isn’t worth the comfort. Style and fashion obviously also plays a significant role. And, as expected, they confirmed that great marketing makes a huge difference and does affect their purchasing. Relatability is a factor, too.

Genesis Girls in The Girls’ Lounge during CES 2016

The way we feel about certain brands is ultimately the most significant as we love brands that are “easy to use and that help make me feel beautiful in my everyday life.”

At the end of the day, we are all looking for “brands with qualities that reflect [us]” and we want to resonate with labels that align with who we are and who we want to be. We love these honest answers from our girls! What do you look for in a brand?

The Genesis girls showcasing VR in the Lounge.

Written with ❤ by the girls at The Girls Lounge.



The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge

A place for women to connect, discover their confidence and activate change. If we could have done it alone, we would have by now. TheGirlsLounge.com