How a Mentor Can Catapult Success

The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge
5 min readSep 2, 2016

Mentor: noun: a wise and trusted counselor or teacher

We are HUGE proponents of the mentor/mentee relationship at The Girls’ Lounge. It goes along with our belief that “we are better together.” Since we are an organization about collaboration, these relationships are everything.

There is a magnetic vibe you will feel when you attend a lounge that has been described as “welcoming, supportive, fun, inclusive.” Perhaps that’s why many of our girls have connected with each other and gone on to do great work together. It has been an organic process, too. In in a cozy, non-corporate setting, an entrepreneur might end up sitting next to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and ultimately in a working relationship. We have even made extra strides in this area with our AskHer series to promote mentorship. These unique collaborations that have developed encouraged us to delve further and uncover the wondrous benefits of having and being a mentor.

She’ll Guide You in the Right Direction

A mentor is there to push you in the right direction. She helps shorten your learning curve, opens your mind to new ideas you may never have thought of, and teaches you how to promote yourself. Sometimes we are so afraid to do this, but a good mentor will incite this in you. Plus, she tends to know a lot of awesome people and will connect you with the right ones for your personality and industry. Then, it’s the mentee’s job to make the most of her well-earned connections. Remember that if you only network within your circle (and age group), you won’t have access to decision makers that affect your industry. She can lead you on the right path, and to the right people but you have to make it happen.

Her Experience is Invaluable

She’s got experience way beyond your years! Younger entrepreneurs may be innovative, tech-savvy and forward-thinking, but she’s been at it for longer and is a problem solving expert. Trust her! She has invaluable information on how to navigate company politics (if you’re in the same company) and achieve your goals that she wasn’t privy to climbing the ranks. Any great mentor will tell you, they didn’t become successful solely on their own. It took years of trial and error to get there, and usually a mentor or two. Allow yourself to be open to her priceless wisdom and perspective.

Shelley says, “if we could have done it alone, we would have by now!”

She’ll Challenge You

Your mentor can challenge you to think in ways that never occurred to you because she’s seen more of the world (and more of business) than you have. She won’t have all of the answers, of course, but if you allow her to bolster your experience with hers, you’ll be able to operate more cleverly and with more confidence than you otherwise would on your own! She’ll push you past your comfort zone, really pinpoint your goals with you, and help you implement them in the best possible way. This extra encouragement is often what makes us go the “extra mile.” Be ever grateful that you have someone who takes such an interest in your progress.

She Thinks You Can

A lot of people have gone further than they dreamed possible because someone they admire thought they could. This is a popular sentiment from the many women we spoke to on the subject. When you have a mentor you truly look up to, if she believes in you, the results will be tremendous! When your mentor is someone you revere, when she gives you a task, you don’t just want to complete it, you want to complete it well and impress her! This fondness for her motivates you to put forth your very best efforts. Friends and family can be amazing and supportive, too. Yet, when you greatly respect and value the wisdom of your mentor, you’re more likely to apply her insights with killer results.

See Her, Be Her

This might be the most important element to the mentor equation. “You can’t be what you can’t see,” as they say. The solution is to find and celebrate role models that we can look up to! Whether it’s in a tougher environment like tech, or a more female friendly arena, having someone you identify with and hold in high esteem is paramount. People rely on stories, examples, leaders, and images that inform us about who we are and what we can be. Without these, we are often unable to “be that which we cannot see.”

When you have a fitting mentor, you are learning from someone who has already arrived at where you want to be, or something close to it. They know what it takes to get there and what sacrifices need to be made. Plus, if she has the super generous mindset that The Girls’ Lounge lives by, then she wants to show you.

She Needs You, Too

Here’s the big secret: being a mentor is a powerful experience that produces great benefits for both parties. Turns out, the women we know that mentor others truly love it! They receive a sense of personal satisfaction from watching their mentees excel, and feel privileged to give back. These are also women who are quite busy with their own high level jobs and active families. Yet, they somehow find the time to be there for others. These mentors are more likely to be promoted and successful themselves. Mentoring is known to be one of the most effective strategies to enhance women’s advancement to senior management. These high level women know this and they care, so they make it a priority.

“I have a few mentors who I have continued to go to for advice in my career. The best part about these strong women is that through all of their success, they continue to work as hard (or harder) as everyone who reports to them. It’s been extremely important to see how one of them in particular manages to continue on her high powered career path while being a present, loving mom, managing to be successful in all areas of life.” Denise Albert,

We’re convinced that having a mentor keeps you focused on what’s actually important. She knows you, your career track, and can bring objectivity and a clear perspective. You will still blaze your own trail! Welcome her opinion, loving support, advice and connections. Even absorb and appreciate even the things you don’t want to hear. And carve out the time to do the work, (because you know she is!)

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a newbie at company, or higher up the ladder, there are numerous benefits to mentorship. If you’re in the market for one, come to our next lounge and meet women who are also there. You never know who could turn into a connection or mentor.

Written with ❤ by the girls at The Girls Lounge.



The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge

A place for women to connect, discover their confidence and activate change. If we could have done it alone, we would have by now.