There’s Nothing Like Our Girlfriends

The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge
5 min readAug 4, 2016

A true girlfriend is one of life’s finest treasures. Many of us have friends from all different stages in life that we would do just about anything for: our dearest friends, our soul sisters! Recently, we have been discussing the importance of these bonds at The Girls’ Lounge. Where and who would we be without them? After all, there is nothing more amazing than a friend you love, being fully there for you, with your best interest at heart: someone you laugh with, cry with, support, get advice from, give the honest truth to, and simply be yourself around. These girlfriends bring out the best in us! Here are 3 compelling reasons to appreciate her extra (if you needed any):

She Gives You Connection and Strengthens Your Identity:

Some girlfriends are close to you because you grew up together. When there is a long history with a friend, it often makes you more like sisters. They know your family (and their idiosyncrasies), and you have some of the silliest memories with her. You can go for months without seeing her, but you love her like you are 8 years old the second you hang again. You’re connected to her. She’s your childhood. Then, there are many great friends along the way: high school, college, single in the city, married friends, parents of your kids’ friends, etc. They’ve seen you through some of life’s most challenging and magnificent moments. These friends have helped you find your place in the world. We look to them to make sense of life. It starts as a child: looking to your mom, aunt, sister, and then your friends to see what you like, dislike — music, your sense of style, interests, careers. They’re a sounding board for you in so many ways. They both connect you and encourage your independence, something that continues all though your life, with old and new friends alike.

Then there are friends you meet just when you think you need no more friends (lesson: you can always make room for another real girlfriend). That girl that you meet and you can’t even explain it but it’s like “add water, instant friends!” A new girlfriend can open up new experiences for you; new outlooks, new opportunities for growth. This connection is so good for us. It can bring meaning to your life in unimaginable ways.

She Provides Stress Relief:

It’s crucial to have someone to talk to when things go awry in life. And, things will go awry because, that’s life. When we unburden and share our stress with our best girls, we relieve anxiety. Calling your friend to tell her about your rough day at work, your teenager’s rude behavior, or even that you didn’t sleep the night before, helps us cope. When we unload, we receive love, understanding and perspective. She’s our sounding-board, our voice of reason. Stress is toxic, as we know and it can literally make you sick. The less stress you experience, the healthier and happier you’ll be, obviously. Good friends are proven stress-busters. Ever have such a crappy day, where it seems like everything is going against you, and your girlfriend calls you and reminds you of something funny and you feel flooded with love and good vibes? She boosted your serotonin — a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression! “Girls’ Night Out” can actually reduce your risk of disease and lower your blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol. It’s not just an excuse for chips and margaritas. A night cracking up with your girlfriends provides a boost and a reprieve from whatever is troubling you. Joking aside, girls love to work out with a bestie, too and are more likely to exercise than those who sweat solo. Girlfriends can also help save your life by helping you cope with illness. Studies have shown that women with a tight network of friends were more likely to survive breast cancer, while isolated women were more likely to lose the battle. A good friend will encourage you to seek help: with a doctor, a therapist, or another support system.

She Boosts Your Self-Confidence:

Your people, your girls will always give you a boost. Post a pic of yourself, they’ll comment “gorgeous,” “stunning,” “hottie.” If they read an article or screenplay you wrote, they will remind you how brilliant and funny you are. If someone rejects you, they will make that person out to be a loser freak! They don’t let you wallow. They will remind you that you are a great mother, a terrific daughter, or whatever you need to hear at that moment. It’s not hot air, it’s love. And we do it for her, too. We all know that confidence needs to come from within, but there isn’t anything wrong with support from our girls. In fact, it increases our belief in ourselves, because women we hold in high esteem can boost our own self-esteem. Maybe that’s why when you’re 12 it’s not always easy to find the most loyal girlfriends. This is because many girls that age are figuring themselves out. It’s not that you can’t be an amazing friend that young, you definitely can. There’s just so much figuring out about yourself in those years. When you become an adult, and you know more about who you are, your confidence grows, and you become a better friend. At The Girls’ Lounge we have found that many of the girls have become very close after our events. They root each other on, share in the excitement of happy life events and also offer so much warmth and love during hard times. In many ways, The Girls Lounge family is like summer camp for female professionals. One afternoon is so impactful and special that it’s like a month of bunking together. It is a place for real sharing and learning. One of our mottos that has essentially become our tag line is #ConfidenceIsBeautiful. We know that confidence breeds easy, loving, uplifting relationships and that there is nothing like girlfriends. So, we are adding a tagline, #GirlfriendsAreBeautiful, too. Here’s to all the girlfriends who love us in a way that we need and that are simply irreplaceable. Xo, TGL

Have you called your bestie today?

Written with ❤ by the girls at The Girls Lounge.



The Girls’ Lounge
The Girls’ Lounge

A place for women to connect, discover their confidence and activate change. If we could have done it alone, we would have by now.