Simon Sinek’s Millenials Viral Video: NOW WHAT?

Michael Hersh
The Gist-Inspiration
2 min readJan 18, 2017

Simon Sinek’s video about technology and millennials has been gone viral over the past few weeks. If you have not watched it yet, then what are you waiting for? I’m still hip with technology and have made it easier for you, check out the embedded video below. I’ll wait until you spend the time to watch this:

Awesome, right? Simon’s message really reinforces what I hold a personal interest in. I don’t know who this guy is or his qualifications to claim to be an “expert”, but does it matter? The man has engaged me. And based on the amount of times it keeps popping back up on my Linked-In and Facebook newsfeeds, it should have engaged my colleagues and peers as well!!!

OR…..DID IT????

It has been about three weeks since a work colleague shared this with me. The video’s message still resonates with me and made an impact so much so they I want to write about it and determine how to reinforce these concepts.

Instead of hitting the LIKE button on social media and sharing it, why can’t we continue to use this as an educational tool to determine how to fix a problem that seems easy to fix, yet it’s a real challenge for many organizations. Like most things that “trend” and then fade away, we can’t just let this die!!!

I would love to gauge the reactions of managers and business leaders and determine the effect of the message on them. Can we work towards attempting to fix the problem instead of putting band-aids over it? That seems to be what most people are doing these days, discussing and sometimes complaining about issues like this, yet they do no absolutely nothing. It must be important enough if has spread on-line so quick?

I’m not yet done with discussing the topics from the video like the effects of dopamine, the addiction and reliance on technology, and the lack of preparation for kids once they get out of college and are thrust into the workplace. This is only the first of many entries on The Gist to determine a plan of action and DO something as opposed to talking and emailing others the video.

So, discuss what you took out of this message, and how we can collaborate on a resolution to slowly fix what should not be hard to fix for those of us who have genuine empathy and want to revolutionize the corporate workplace to make it a win/win for everybody!!!

“There are no problems, only opportunities for growth”- Michael Hersh



Michael Hersh
The Gist-Inspiration

An empath, a non-conformist, a music/TV/movie historian, a believer in the impact of genuine appreciation, a proud father, an AC/DC fan, and much, much, more!