Epic Chronological Photo Blog of SXSW

Jane Pederson
The Glensheen Collection
4 min readApr 8, 2017
Because SXSW is so cool, NASA was there.

Here are the last two days of SXSW as an epic chronological photo blog with short captions to describe each experience. Because I am a marketer and I know you don’t really care about the intricate details of my days at SXSW and people like pictures. Hence the epic chronological photo blog was born.

Brisket and mac & cheese at Iron Works BBQ

Duluth needs something like this. It was an outdoor store. Check out in the background of this picture how cool the product is displayed on a wood wall with shelves. All incorporated to a dining/cafe experience. Super cool.

Museum hopping in Austin

They did a fantastic job with their exhibits. Very well done.
These are all of LBJ’s pens that were used to sign bills.
Replica Oval Office. Talk about immersive experience.
Yoga in the Blanton Art Museum main hall
I thought this was super cool. I want to take my someday kids to museums!
Sometimes being silly in museums is fun
We were total tourists.

History tidbit on the La Belle: The La Belle was one of Robert de La Salle’s four ships when he explored the Gulf of Mexico with the ill-fated mission of starting a French colony at the mouth of the Mississippi River in 1685. La Belle was wrecked in present-day Matagorda Bay the following year, dooming La Salle’s Texas colony to failure. For over three centuries the wreckage of La Belle lay forgotten until it was discovered by a team of state archaeologists in 1995. The discovery of La Salle’s flagship was regarded as one of the most important archaeological finds of the century in Texas, and a major excavation was launched by the state of Texas that, over a period of about a year, recovered the entire shipwreck and over a million artifacts.

Texans are proud of their space contributions. Think Apollo 13.
Perks of meeting other museum folks? Free admission

This was super cool. After the trade show, the giant space in the middle of the convention center turned into a poster display of what SXSW calls Flatstock.

What is Flatstock?

Presented by the American Poster Institute (API), Flatstock 59 displayed the works of the world’s top gig poster artists. The show features posters of varying styles, colors and techniques for sale by the talented artists who created them.

Dad, here is your shout out. Parents form their children’s likes and dislikes through various means. My love of classic rock comes from my dad. The Doors are one of his favorites.

If it wasn’t $120, I probably would have bought it for him. Instead I bought him a $12 coffee mug instead.

Plane ride home to Duluth, MN!

Until next time… TTFN!


TTFN is an initialism for a colloquial valediction, ‘ta ta for now’, based on ‘ta ta’, an informal ‘goodbye’. The expression came to prominence, in the UK, during the Second World War.

