Glensheen in the Winter

Taylor Okeson
The Glensheen Collection
2 min readJan 9, 2015

Picture this: beautiful trees frosted with snowflakes, a frozen creek under a stone bridge and a fresh blanket of snow glistening in the sun. After a snowfall, the Congdon estate turns into a winter wonderland.

Winters at the Glensheen Mansion are a celebration of the cold, and the Congdon’s liked to celebrate by going on sleigh rides.

With the many sleighs that still reside in the carriage house, it is obvious that one of the favorite winter activities for the household was touring the estate in their horse-drawn sleighs.

And, who would blame them with scenes like this:

Stone bridge over Tischer Creek

Even back in the early 20th century, Lake Superior provided both beautiful and terrifying scenes for the sleigh ride.

Lake Superior Shoreline 1910

The Congdon’s also enjoyed scenic sleigh rides to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church on Superior Street, where they were prominent members.

Although sleigh rides are less popular on winter days, the beautiful scenery that the Congdon’s experienced can still be seen today.

Stone Bridge over Tischer Creek

