The ‘Sheener — March 2017

Jane Pederson
The Glensheen Collection
6 min readFeb 24, 2017

March is the gateway to spring. Where snow starts to melt, (or continues to melt in this winter’s case) birds and guitars are singing, and the days are finally longer.

This is The ‘Sheener. (Psst… we dropped the ‘Glen’ and added an ‘er’.) The ‘Sheener is a trusty, regular update of what’s going on at Glensheen.

Last month we introduced $5 Tour Tuesdays. Did you miss your chance in February? No worries, $5 Tour Tuesdays continues through April.

Duluth’s favorite night out… the Flashlight Tour will end in the middle of this month due to later sunset times. A bitter sweet ending! So be sure to attend one of the last two weekends in March of Flashlight Tours.

In our usual Glensheen fashion, we are introducing a cool, new event in March. This month’s Wednesday night event series is an acoustic concert series called Glensheen Unplugged.

Below is what we have queued up for you at Glensheen this month:

Glensheen Unplugged: Charlie Parr | 3.1.17

Flashlight Tours | 3.3.17 & 3.4.17

$5 Tour Tuesdays | 3.7.17, 3.14.17, 3.21.17 & 3.28.17

Glensheen Unplugged: Rachel Kilgour | 3.8.17

Flashlight Tours | 3.10.17 & 3.11.17

Glensheen Unplugged: Rich & Germaine | 3.15.17

Glensheen Unplugged: Teague Alexy | 3.22.17

Glensheen Unplugged: Coyote | 3.29.17

Glensheen Unplugged

Join us as we celebrate Minnesota music with an intimate living room-esque concert series featuring Duluth-based artists in the Amusement Room, where the Congdon’s would keep all their worldly collections. What a fun way to inspire Minnesota pride by preserving and sharing the legacy of Glensheen and to serve as an incubator for positive change, right? (P.S. that’s our new mission statement.)

Seating is first come, first served with a 100 person capacity.

Local craft brews will be available for purchase.

This concert series is presented by our friends at 90.9 The Current Duluth.


Photo by Jason Marck

An easily confused and very shy individual, Charlie Parr has been traveling around singing his songs ever since leaving Austin Minnesota in the 1980’s in search of Spider John Koerner, whom he found about 100 miles north at the Viking Bar one Sunday night. The experience changed his life, made him more or less unemployable, and brings us to now: 13 recordings, 250 shows a year or more, 200,000 miles on a well broke in Kia, and a nasty fear of heights. Resonator fueled folk songs from Duluth Minnesota.


Photo by Graham Tolbert

Rachael Kilgour is a Minnesota-based songwriter and performing artist whose sincere, lyric-driven work has been called both brave and humane. The 2015 grand prize winner of the esteemed international NewSong Music Performance & Songwriting Competition, Kilgour has been featured at NYC’s Lincoln Center and by the ASCAP Music Cafe at the Sundance Film Festival. She was also a finalist in the 2015 Telluride Troubadour Contest. A versatile performer, Kilgour has shared stages with the likes of indie artists Haley Bonar & Jeremy Messersmith as well as folk legends Greg Brown, Cheryl Wheeler & Catie Curtis.


Rich Mattson is a musician/songwriter and producer/engineer living in Sparta, Minnesota. He began performing in 1980 at the age of 13, and took up songwriting shortly after that. Since then he has led and played with several bands, most notably the Glenrustles (1988–1999) and national touring act Ol’ Yeller (2000–2013). In 1991 he opened his own recording studio in Uptown Minneapolis, and over the years has worked with hundreds of artists. Currently he is leading an acoustic folk-rock group called “Rich Mattson and the Northstars” and collaborating with his partner Germaine Gemberling. He also continues to record and produce music at his recording studio, Sparta Sound.


Teague Alexy’s music and writing is deeply rooted in Americana after touring the country for nearly a decade with brother Ian in their foot-stomping duo, Hobo Nephews of Uncle Frank. If you listen close to the swing of Teague’s voice, guitar and harmonica you can hear he has not completely forgotten growing up in South Jersey an aspiring DJ and rapper. If you listen close to Teague’s wordplay, you can still hear a hint of the Irish storytellers he descended from. It is an ever-expanding backdrop for an original and as an profound American musician, writer and storyteller.


Duluth, Minnesota band Coyote formed as a duo in 2007 with Marc Gartman (banjo, vocals) and Jerree Small (guitar, vocals). They have since taken on a third member, upright bassist Matthew Mobley. Their third album, All I Feel is Night, creates a fine balance between the stark duo recordings of their debut album with their sophomore effort recorded with a full band to create haunting folk songs.

Flashlight Tours

A Flashlight Tour is a perfectly unique date night. Not your typical dinner and a movie. Lead your honey through the darkness of Glensheen on a Flashlight Tour. Afterward, cozy up to a bonfire on the shore of Lake Superior. Sounds like a great date night, right?

Date night idea not for you? Flashlight Tours make for a unique group or girls’ night out.

Glensheen’s Flashlight Tour allows you to explore the mansion in the dark and appreciate our rare collection in a new way. Under flashlight, details come alive in a way not seen during the day. Make your way through four floors of the mansion, including the previously closed third floor, and see Glensheen in a whole new light.

Have we said you get to end your evening with a winter bonfire on the shores of Lake Superior yet?

On this guided Flashlight Tour, each group is accompanied by two guides who will illuminate pieces throughout the house. So no worries, we have you covered on the flashlights!

$5 Tour Tuesdays

The same big mansion for a much smaller price. Now, for a limited time anyone who purchases a Classic Tour ticket for a Tuesday will receive a considerable discount. The Classic Tour will be $5, all day on Tuesdays instead of the regular $15.

$5 Tour Tuesdays will be happening now through the end of April, valid only on the Classic Tour. This is a great time of year to tour the mansion and feel like you have the house to yourself.

Glensheen is open daily from 9:00 am — 4:00 pm. Tickets can be purchased online at, over the phone or in person at the ticket house.

