After The Tone: a time machine for hope

Jess Francis
The Glimpse Collective
3 min readOct 21, 2020

After The Tone is a voicemail time capsule. It’s a way to “talk” to your future-self. What would you like to remember about this moment? Dial +1 332–334-TONE / +44 (0) 800–020–9622

In the past two months, I’ve perhaps done more self-reflection and personal growth than several years of on/off therapy. Each lockdown weekend, I’d make myself a plate of chocolate chip pancakes, while listening to the newest Brene Brown podcast. Being alone in my New York apartment for over five months meant I spent a lot — and I mean a lot — of time thinking and reflecting.

So, when the Glimpse Collective got together, it was a harmonious coincidence that the initial brief focused on “What Matters.” The objective was to highlight the emotions and feelings felt in lockdown; to imagine a world where we always considered what really matters in life. Almost immediately there was an urge to collect these current memories in some form or another. That in this crisis, we had discovered (or even re-discovered) crucial lessons we didn’t want to be lost.

We didn’t want people to forget about the gratitude and respect for essential workers, those on the front lines doing the work needed to keep society afloat. The collective action of strangers rallying to help those in need. The reduction in carbon emissions from the lack of travel (seemingly nature beginning to thrive as humans retreated indoors). Or even on a personal level, the time and opportunity to spend with family and loved ones.

And if I’m being honest these past six months have honestly felt like six years. Yet, in all this chaos, there were some personal lessons and moments that I hope to carry forward. So, the question became — how do we record these new insights and use them to shape our future as a society and culture? By quite literally recording them.

Our goal was to create a place to remember. To remind ourselves of what we hope to take away from such a year (some may even say unprecedented). We knew that ‘Dear Future Self” letters were already rather commonplace in society, so we developed a concept based on the question — what if you could talk to your future-self?

Thus, After The Tone was born.

It’s a voicemail time capsule to talk to your future-self. You ring a number, and in a year’s time, you’ll get the message back. Feel free to try it out for yourself:

Give one of our numbers a ring:
🇺🇸 +1 332–334–8663
🇬🇧 +44 0800–020–9622
🌏 SpeakPipe Widget

I believe we’re an inherently hopeful species. That in times of crisis, we’re resilient and seek out silver linings that make life a little more bearable. Our hope is to eventually share these anonymous reflections as a reminder of our shared humanity. So until then, whenever you’re ready, do leave a message after the tone.

IG: @afterthe.tone

For more information, visit our website or Instagram. If you’d like to get in contact with one of the team, shoot us an email at

