London. New York. Worldwide. Choose Love.

James Turner
The Glimpse Collective
3 min readNov 28, 2018

It’s been a huge few days for the Glimpse collective. On Friday we opened the Choose Love store in London with our friends and partners, Help Refugees.

This is a shop where you can buy real products for refugees, and it’s raised over £100,000 in its opening weekend, with global coverage including CNN and a Guardian story which went viral.

From soap to sleeping bags, every single purchase helps provide a similar item for a refugee across Europe and the Middle East.

Warm blankets have already begun to arrive in Greece after people bought them in the store, and thousands more items will be on their way soon.

A different kind of Black Friday

And that’s just the start. I’m writing from New York where we’ve just launched a store on West Broadway, next to some of the biggest brands in the world.

Steven Colbert has tweeted his support, a couple of TV crews showed up while we were building it, and we get the feeling this is going to be big if things go right.

Here’s a picture of the big neon sign outside, and sneak peek at the interior:

Last but not the slightest bit least, the new Choose Love website has received over 40,000 hits since Thursday and sold thousands of coats, meals, and sleeping bags already.

That’s because it’s beautiful and easy to use — designed and built entirely by Glimpse volunteers. Here’s the homepage — but please check out the full site.

Glimpse is about finding hope in the dark. We believe that the world needs more compassion, and that creativity can help unlock it for millions of people.

Thank you so, so much to everyone who has helped us so far — including so many Glimpse members and the incredible team at Help Refugees who do this work on the ground.

If you’d like to do something right now, you can:

  • Share this post
  • Send us your ideas for getting the word out to more people and influencers
  • Visit the store online or at the addresses below, and buy something!

I’ll write another update soon.

Until then,

Keep shopping.


Store Details:

Choose Love London
Location: 30–32 Fouberts Place, London, W1F 7PS
Dates: November 23rd — December 31st
Opening Hours: Mon — Sat 1000–2100, Sunday 1000–1800

Choose Love NYC
Location: 456 West Broadway, New York, NY, 10012
Dates: November 28th — December 24th
Opening Hours: Mon — Sat, 10am — 2100, Sunday 1200–1800



James Turner
The Glimpse Collective

Founder of Glimpse, a new collective for creative people who want to use their skills for good.