Virtual Sessions

Chelsea Irizarry
The Glitch
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2016

I chose the coding option of the virtual sessions. I created different pieces using HTML and CSS. I used to help show me how to write in these languages which wasn’t to hard to pick up. After spending my first day of class going through all the HTML & CSS lessons. I spent the remainder of my time composing The Pristine House and Dollhouse based off the song Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez. The Pristine House is meant to be a fictional, evasive, dark, short story. While Dollhouse is a picture version of the main chorus of the song Dollhouse. The song is about how things may not always be as they seem. The source code is below but you can follow the following links to view The Pristine House and Dollhouse.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>The Pristine House</title>
<h1>The Pristine House</h1>
<p>A man walks into the house to be welcomed by his new dog. The dog then runs upstairs. He is alarmed his lovely companion has not greeted him as he walks around the first floor. He calls for her with no response other than some barks from the dog. He figures she went to grab some spices from a neighbor, as he can smell dinner baking in the oven. She’s never gone for too long. He turns on the television to keep himself busy as he waits for his beautiful wife to return. He’s excited to announce the promotion he received at work today. He’s worked extremely hard to give her everything she’s ever wanted. </p>

<p>An hour later, he looks around and realized the sun has set. His wife has yet to arrive so he calls her. He hears her phone ringing and finds it at the bottom of the staircase. An unusual place for a phone although, she always misplaces her phone, it probably fell out of her pocket as she went up the stairs. He hasn’t heard from the dog recently so he goes up to check on him. As he climbs the stairs the dog appears at the top staring at him with a grimacing look. </p>

<p>He notices the dog is bleeding from his foot. He is missing a few nails as if he was in a fight. The man gets to the top of the stairs and looks around. He sees some of the frames are tilted and others have fallen. There’s glass scattered across the hall and bloody paw prints stain the beige carpet. The glass could explain the bloody paws although not the missing nails on the dog.</p>

<p>He enters the master bedroom cautiously, nervous to what he will find. He finds the bed made and everything in its proper place. The room seems cleaner than usual. From the corner of his eye he spots dark maroon streaks leading to the bathroom. The streaks are faint as if someone tried to clean up a mess but couldn’t entirely get it out. He walks through the bathroom doorway to find the shower curtain and the rug missing. Some of the hand towels and parts of the wall have small droplets of what looks like blood. His wife is nowhere to be found and he begins to worry. A dark deed has occurred in this room and he was in no condition to find out what. </p>

<p>Panicking, he runs out of the bathroom through the bedroom. He turns the corner into the hallway to find his wife. She has her hair pulled back into a bun. She is wearing a flower dress and an apron. She is holding their new dog. The dog is limp. She confesses, “The dog made a mess. I will clean it up. Go shower downstairs and unwind. I will take care of this mess and meet you there.” As he walks downstairs, he becomes more confused, how could such a small dog make such a big mess.</p>

<p>Passing the backdoor. He notices someone has dug up the garden. There is a large hole with plastic sticking out. There’s some type of staining to the plastic. A grave? At this point he can only assume the worst of his wife. He goes to reach for the door when he feels someone breathing down his neck. He turns around…</p>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Dollhouse by: Melanie Martinez</h1>

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<p>smile for the</p>
<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<p>Pose with your brother,</p>
<img src=”" />

<p>won’t you be a good sister?</p>
<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<p>thinks that</p>
<img src=”" />

<p>we’re perfect</p>
<img src=”" />

<p>Please don’t let them look</p>
<img src=”" />

<p>through the curtains.</p>
<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<img src=”" />

<p>I see things that</p>
<img src=”" />

<p>nobody else sees.</p>
<img src=”" />




Chelsea Irizarry
The Glitch

I am a Computer Science major and Digital Studies minor at the University of Mary Washington. I work at the DKC and play soccer during my free time.