Exploring the Reality of God’s Simulation


Exploring the Reality of The Simulation

In the theory of Simulation Creationism, proposed by Nir Ziso, there is one reality and one form of consciousness. Everything else consists of an illusion called “The Simulation”. Still, it is a creation of God, the maker of heaven and earth and things visible and invisible, as the creed of faith teaches us. As such, The Simulation has a subsistence, although it is totally dependent upon the Creator and The Simulation laws that support and maintain it through the “Supercomputer” whose energy is akin to the creationist power of the Holy Spirit, as much as it is difficult to grasp such a concept: “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14).

What does Simulation Creationism, postulated by Nir Ziso from The Global Architect Institute, say about reality and our place in it? The basic concept is strictly non-dualistic. There is only one unified reality — the supreme consciousness we call God: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god” (Isaiah 44:6). God is everything, and everything consists of and takes place within the same single consciousness. In essence, it is divine consciousness, a binding divine light that ties our souls to God as our supreme creator: “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made” (Romans 1:20).

In such consciousness, everything takes place and everything is. Divine consciousness is a bond through which Divine Light forms The Simulation, and it is identical to itself. To exist means to be aware and experience such consciousness through a particular manner of the simulated environment, where we receive divine revelation: “Who has put wisdom in the inward parts or given understanding to the mind?” (Job 38:36). However, there is only God, a being and the reality of all things.

There is only the absolute, and nothing other than it has self-existence; everything else is an illusion. God is the unchanging essence of reality. This means that all the multiplicity we experience — hence, other than God — is unreal: “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8). Multiplicity is the consequence of ignorance and illusion. We falsely see things in the world. We superimpose our self-existence and self-identity on illusionary things. A word of caution: it does not evoke existential nihilism. In fact, Simulation Creationism stands firmly against nihilism. It does not say nothing is real as such but that everything is simply one in God, and everything we experience as other than God is false, insofar as it is different from God.

If I walk down the road and see a snake, I should be aware that it is really a snake. But it is not a snake: it is a rope! Reality is the rope, but the illusory nature of the world shows my brain a snake. It does not imply that there is nothing at all. It just says there is no snake; in reality, there is a rope. The snake does not disappear into nothingness when we realize what is real. Instead, we see what it really is without the need to go deep into nihilism, claiming that nothing exists.

Similarly, The Simulation is real insofar as it is perceived through God. It is unreal insofar as it is seen as other than God — as some self-existing thing. It would be a kind of diversity, making space for something other than just God. The world as we know it is simulated, and we have to transcend this world to reach the One God. We reach our true identity through Him when we pass through this simulated world.

Still, can we find the actual manifestation of the Oneness of God in The Simulation? God may well be in every aspect of the simulated world as we experience it. God offers one consciousness, but He can also appear in multiplicities but does not cancel the others. While meditating on this notion, we must be sure not to step into pantheism or panentheism. God exists aside from everything there is or everything He has created. Still, an unbreakable link between Him and all other realms calls for a multiplicity of things, even if simulated. God must unite His essential Oneness with the diversity of His creation in a single identical thing.

The oneness of God and the multiplicity of all other things cannot be separate: “Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist” (1 Corinthians 8:6). If the Oneness of real God and illusionary multiplicity are two different things, it would be a “duality”, which Simulation Creationism cannot accept, as it firmly follows Revelation in Biblical teachings. Oneness and diversity are the same thing encompassed by the reality of God.

It is a widening inclusion of phenomena mistakenly seen as being outside the absolute, which is entirely illogical. If we exclude every element of experience that does not fall into the category of absolute, the only thing that remains is God. But that is not a satisfactory answer to our existence, as we know that God created the world. As His creation, we have a special subsistence within The Simulation, affirming our experiences through simulated and predetermined events and challenges while also avoiding the trap of absolute reality. God is an absolute reality, but He also creates things that subsist within it.

In a sense, God indeed is a personal God, absolute consciousness, and divinity, which includes the dynamic aspects of manifest reality. God is the reality that pulsates and vibrates through Divine Light rays that penetrate The Simulation. It is the light of divine consciousness, as He is an eternal self and the pure essence of a supreme being.



Nir Ziso - ניר זיסו
The Global Architect Institute

Founder of The Global Architect Institute and Developer of Simulation Creationism Theory