Synchronicity in God’s Simulation


Synchronicity is an event with specific meaning for the person involved. From another perspective, such an event may not have a clear meaning or is understood as a simple coincidence. It would be a coincidence for two people to have the same strange names in a megalopolis, for example; but we talk about meaningful coincidences calling for supernatural intervention here. In Simulation Creationism, a coincidence cannot exist. As The Simulation is predetermined, all events must be computed by the “Supercomputer”, a device that runs it infinitely. We can find the exact energy characteristics that compute such a “device” in the Holy Spirit. Thus, we can conclude that the Holy Spirit does not make coincidences. Rather, we need to talk about synchronicities in The Simulation, as seen from the angle of Simulation Creationism, a theory developed by Nir Ziso.

It is known that every event contains a cause and effect, i.e., an action and reaction. An event is acausal (without cause or reason) when it is surprising, unexpected, and almost unreal, i.e., surreal. This is precisely how the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, a mystic among scientists, defined synchronicity: as a purely acausal, rare, and unrepeatable event that is meaningful to the main protagonist (closely related to him) but seems to originate from some other reality.

The term “synchronicity” was first used by Jung in 1946 in the article, “The Spirit of Psychology”, and elaborated in 1950 in “Synchronicity as a Principle of Acausal Connections.” He tried to explain the simultaneity (lat. sin — with, together, at the same time) of two seemingly unrelated events. He considered that the only meaningful reason for such an event lies in the subjective, psychological state of a person who enters into resonance with the psychological state of another person or the very nature of the event, which has importance for one or more persons involved in it. In other words, synchronicity can put us in the right place at the right time and situation. However, synchronicity itself is unattainable and unmanageable.

A person may think of someone, and that individual suddenly calls the person. I may want to meet a friend, and suddenly this friend rings the doorbell. These events have an inner logic that is significant for our souls. Physicists sometimes say that synchronicity is a field of all possible events; in this field, everything can be cause and consequence simultaneously. For instance, modern chemistry is based on the Mendeleyev system. He first dreamt about it and only then thought of it in his works.

Similarly, Nikola Tesla first dreamt of all his great works or had visions. Only then did he make them into devices, many times without any blueprints. They were all working without a fault, although we cannot today understand how they function. Newton and Leibniz made the differential definition of mathematics independently simultaneously, without prior contact between the two distant scientists. All this shows that messages are going through The Simulation to convey significant advances in the human state, with the help of the Holy Spirit: “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, who the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26).

Simulation Creationism can explain synchronicity through Divine Light. As we wrote elsewhere, Divine Light is an unbreakable bond between our souls and the Creator: “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). It is the unconscious connection that exists beyond the boundaries of The Simulation. It can also be used to convey messages. Prophets had such revelations through prophetic minds, energized by the Holy Spirit. Synchronicity happens when we get the message, but it should be understood through The Simulation. It is an event happening simultaneously in both divine and simulated time.

The ancient Greeks knew two types of time: Chronos — linear time by which we measure the chronology of events, and Kairos — non-linear, immeasurable, and ever-present “God’s time,” or eternity. It is recorded in the Bible: “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Peter 3:8). At the moment of synchronicity, the penetration of non-linear, immeasurable and omnipresent time into linear time occurs, when the Divine Light penetrates The Simulation. Such an event usually brings with it a vital energy charge (think of the Holy Spirit) and a feeling in which it seems “time has stopped,” i.e., slowed down or distorted.

At that moment, nature and our psyches unite at a unique time and space. Depending upon the situation and personal meaning, synchronicity is also described as “a miracle, God’s grace or intervention, or the finger of God,” which again points to the source of the event in the spiritual dimension. “For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). Indeed, such events often defy logic and the laws of probability.

Synchronicities often happen in crucial times of life like birth, death, dangerous moments, travels, love affairs, i.e., when an individual is more sensitive to the events happening around them. Such events may denote a hidden connection between things and events. Synchronicity can profoundly change a life or warn people practically of some danger. Psychologists suggest that the best moments of receiving synchronist messages are on the border between the subconscious and conscious state of mind.

The main point of synchronicity is for the mind to recognize specific events or things in the inner (soul) and outer (The Simulation) dimensions. The frequency of synchronicity confirms that we are moving in the right direction and we have caught the flow with which we slide through life like a wave, like water that bypasses every obstacle. The more aligned we are with our path, the more frequent, more specific, and more incredible the events of synchronicity become. We go through life listening to a voice that softly whispers in our ears, coming from the loudspeaker, the radio, through dreams, messages, signs, and people… and helps us make decisions.



Nir Ziso - ניר זיסו
The Global Architect Institute

Founder of The Global Architect Institute and Developer of Simulation Creationism Theory