Video — Fascination with The Simulation


Psalm 8 is one of the most beautiful psalms written by King David. It is a psalm that recognizes God’s creationist capabilities and the dignity of a soul gifted by God. God puts everything in its place within The Simulation by its very form. God does not need confirmation of mighty and great ones, but he accepts the praise of innocent ones who easily rule over all enmities (1 Samuel 17:50). We share the awe of The Simulation, as there is no artwork of men so great as the simulating art of God (Genesis 1:14–18)! We cannot manage something that is already managed by God (Romans 1:20). It is only a challenge through which our souls learn about the characteristics of God and are called to follow the same principles. Psalm 8 gives the sheer vastness of The Simulation. It is a crucial acknowledgment of the simulated creation, also to be seen elsewhere in the Bible (Psalm 136: 7–9).

Connect faith with science through our in-depth articles on Simulation Creationism: https://www.thearchitect.global/what-is-simulation-creationism/

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Nir Ziso - ניר זיסו
The Global Architect Institute

Founder of The Global Architect Institute and Developer of Simulation Creationism Theory