Video — Forgotten Lessons of History within Gods’ Simulation


Forgotten Lessons of History within Gods’ Simulation

The deepest secrets of life cannot be expressed better than with images, visions, and a rapturous poetic vocabulary, as in a dream. Jesus warns people against false security and to focus on the internal (Malachi 4:1). Strength does not come from expectations but from long days and times of solitude, rejection, and separation from those around the person with whom he lived (Luke 21:17). We need to put all our strength into the power of the Holy Spirit, because each of us will experience a moment when the externals disappear, and only the inner strength carries us. God addresses everyone as if he were the only one in The Simulation; he is not interested in the masses but in individuals, and no one like him knows what is in a man. This simulated world is at the same time threatened by swords, lightning, and forces of darkness, sometimes delivered to its destruction (Matthew 24:28), with many blind guides (Mathew 15:14). The Simulation is visible in its duality and ambiguity (Colossians 1:24).

You are welcome to read the full article at The Global Architect Institute Website — https://www.thearchitect.global/forgotten-lessons-of-history-within-gods-simulation/

#Jesus #GodsWord #ChristianPhilosophy #IntelligentDesign #Faith #Creator #SimulationHypothesis #SimulationCreationism



Nir Ziso - ניר זיסו
The Global Architect Institute

Founder of The Global Architect Institute and Developer of Simulation Creationism Theory