Video — God’s Management of The Simulation


God’s Management of The Simulation

Management is leading those who are managed toward a good purpose of The Simulation. It is the concrete realization of God’s plan of providence (Psalm 22:28). God governs creatures not only by directing them in The Simulation but also by leading them to good and away from evil by using commands and prohibitions, rewards, and punishments. The purpose by which God governs the whole Simulation can only be universal good, which is good in itself and its essence, or God himself (Matthew 19:17). The effect of God’s management of The Simulation is precisely this resemblance of simulated creation to God, the ultimate or highest good (Romans 12:21). The effect of divine management is the preservation of things for good and the movement toward good (Psalm 37:3). God preserves certain things in opposition through other causes (Psalm 100:5). God makes our mind think about The Simulation and being aware of it, and then pushes us to communicate about The Simulation elsewhere, to other beings.

#GodsPlan #Christianity #Theology #Evangelism #Church #Creationism #SimulationHypothesis #SimulationCreationism



Nir Ziso - ניר זיסו
The Global Architect Institute

Founder of The Global Architect Institute and Developer of Simulation Creationism Theory