Video — Interpreting Jonah’s View of God’s Simulation


Interpreting Jonah’s View of God’s Simulation

The disobedient prophet, Jonah, was unaware that he was only a tool in God’s hands, unaware of The Simulation’s code. He acted as if the fate of Nineveh depended upon him personally and not on God. The theological climax is conversion (Jonah 3:5) and redemption (Jonah 3:10). The power of transformation teaches us that some people do not have faith in God and His simulated creation, although there are vivid examples of it (Matthew 12:41). It also reveals the Creator’s love for creation through The Simulation (Jonah 4:12:). The book is an instructive narrative about the dynamics of the prophetic call and the importance of prophetic judgment in The Simulation. The prophet lives from the love of God. Jonah realizes this only at the end of the book and then remains silent, similar to Job (Job 42:6). God orders everything, including the inner senses of Jonah. The lesson is accepted in the end and transferred to many others to see who our Creator is.

You are welcome to read the full article at The Global Architect Institute Website — https://www.thearchitect.global/interpreting-jonahs-view-of-gods-simulation/

#GodBless #GodsPlan #Theology #Christianity #IntelligentDesign #ScienceandFaith #SimulationHypothesis #SimulationCreationism



Nir Ziso - ניר זיסו
The Global Architect Institute

Founder of The Global Architect Institute and Developer of Simulation Creationism Theory