What are Strong Delusions in The Simulation?


What are Strong Delusions in The Simulation?

In Simulation Creationism, the theory of Nir Ziso from The Global Architect Institute, everything within The Simulation is predestined and predetermined. When we look at the conduct of people and their decision-making process, it means that the “Supercomputer” has diverted their efforts to attain a specific goal. God does it for a number of reasons. We have direct proof in the Bible: “For this reason, God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:11). The verse talks about those who do not accept the truth, although it is revealed to them, particularly in “end of times.” Is The Simulation still under the influence of such strong delusions?

It is quite surprising to see a verse in the Bible about deception and truth, although it has been widely discussed among believers. A few verses before this one, we read more about the context in which God allows a strong delusion: “The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:9). It is clear that Satan uses the deception in The Simulation to divert us from the right path. Satan does it to those “who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

Here we have a clear message that Satan works as the “left hand of God,” the one that tricks all those who do not want to accept reality. Therefore, God sends a strong delusion to those who refuse to love the truth. Now, they are condemned.

There are several passages in the Bible that ascribe to God the right and power to decide from eternity who will believe and who will not. We can think of numerous passages where God “hardens the hearts” of individuals to play a crucial role in the history of salvation. In most cases, these people did not even have a chance to learn more about God, not able to hear the revelation, without which the realization of truth and the role of The Simulation cannot be grasped.

The verse in 2 Thessalonians is not such a passage. Here, God punishes those who had every opportunity to comprehend the revelation but do not have any love for the truth. Mind this: it is not saying they resist the truth because they know it well. In reality, they do not have a love for it: “They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” (Ephesians 4:18). We might be tempted to agree with free will, but the Bible evidently shows that it is not so. There is no free will, and the delusion of The Simulation constitutes a predetermined force. Nonetheless, others have the mercy of believing and even understanding reality. God chooses who will be the lucky winners!

St. Paul wrote these verses but did not explain how God sends the “delusion”. It may mean that God does it by removing all the barriers to Satanic deception. God governs the acts of both unrighteous men and demons to achieve his righteous purpose. In doing it, God shows how love for falsehood and unrighteousness destroys the soul. It seems like He is playing with us, but it is for our good.

From this higher existence, beyond The current simulated world, this experience teaches souls what is good and what is not, giving them valuable lessons, advancements, and/or opportunities to relive better again: “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind so that they do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:28).

In retrospect, The Simulation becomes a stage where souls learn that not having a love for truth and instead loving delusion is wrong, but having more delusions and suffering is the punishment. Deception brings a temporary pleasure, as in the case of a wealthy person. Delusion is so powerful that such a person might not have love for anything else. Things may change abruptly when a person loses wealth, in accordance with total dependence on God: “the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away” (Job 1:21). People take pleasure in unrighteousness instead of in love. They take the easier path, which turns out to be the worst one imaginable. And we cannot do a single thing about it, as it is the way that God has decided we should go.

So, can a person pray for deliverance from God’s deception? Knowing what is written, can we strive for God’s mercy and ask Him to deliver us from the delusion of The Simulation? With a certain reservation, the answer is yes. God is the only one who can cause a reversal from our strong delusions. We are possibly expected by God to pray and ask this to happen. The outcome depends upon God, the ultimate judge. Of course, He already knows it will happen because He knows everything and is outside of time. Prayer is yet another lesson learned in The Simulation. The Bible shows us the history of such reversals, but we must remember that from God’s perspective, they were all decided in advance.



Nir Ziso - ניר זיסו
The Global Architect Institute

Founder of The Global Architect Institute and Developer of Simulation Creationism Theory