A Minute With India

Arundhati interviews the delegate of India

Ms Nithya, the delegate of India, was glad to share some of her views regarding GLASS 2015.

How do you like the council of WTO and the debate done so far are?
I feel that the council was very good and the delegates were well researched. However, there were times at which the debate became irrelevant.

Did you meet any of your old friends from other MUN? How did it feel like meeting them in your council?
Sorry, I hardly do MUN. I don’t know many of the people here.

What in your opinion is the ultimate outcome from these discussions?
The two sides of the coin are already established. Both sides have legit problems with respect to Intellectual Property Rights. But we are yet to reach a middle ground. Burundi just took a stand that FDI is the need of the hour for better development of Least Developed Countries. And there was a difference of opinion in the council regarding this.

How far do you support Burundi?
I do understand that FDI is highly required for the development of any nation. I am not denying it. But saying that FDI will automatically flow in by imposing IPR in these nations, is false. And if at all the delegate wants FDI, the methodology they are adopting is wrong and will not be productive I don’t think any investor would want to invest in this nation irrespective of whether the IPR exists on the first place.

