Comparing CellarTracker Scores with the Global Wine Score

The Global Wine Score
The Global Wine Score (GWS)
1 min readSep 11, 2018

We recently added CellarTracker community average scores to the Global Wine Score website, allowing you to view the consensus of experts and wine consumers side by side.

The CellarTracker score is the average of all scores for a wine on the cellar management platform These scores and tasting notes are written and published by users of the website who are wine consumers and collectors.

Score Comparison

To compare the scores from Global Wine Score and CellarTracker, we chose a selection of 2010 California and Bordeaux wines at a variety of price points, with scores ranging from 87–98 points. Overall, you can see that the scores are very similar between the two platforms.

Some wines are rated higher by experts, while some are rated higher by the CellarTracker community. Overall, the scores are similar. The CellarTracker score, which represents the consensus of wine consumers, offers a great complement to the Global Wine Score, which represents the consensus of wine experts. By using both scores, you can get a comprehensive view of wine quality from multiple perspectives.

Now you can search our website to find and compare the Global Wine Score and CellarTracker scores for your favorite wines!

