Why Does God’s Existence Need to Be Proven and Our Own Existence Does Not?

The Descent into Madness Begins

Tony Berard
The Globally Responsible Atheist


Religions claim that this omnipotent, supernatural being exists. When a skeptic looks for God, there is nothing there. The skeptic demands proof because a claim is being made that is preposterous.

A Pink Elephant

Here’s a snippet of a conversation that might have occurred somewhere:

Psychiatric Patient (PP): Look, there’s a pink elephant in the room.
Staff Member (SM): Where? I don’t see anything.
PP: It’s right there next to the bookcase. Don’t you see it? It’s sitting on the floor looking right at us!!
SM: No, I am sorry. I don’t see it. Look, my shift is over with. I will see you tomorrow.

The staff member wanted proof of the pink elephant. Only the psychiatric patient could see it, but he couldn’t prove to the staff member that the pink elephant was there.

The Tooth Fairy

Here’s a story about a family whose parents and school system were telling their children about the tooth fairy:



Tony Berard
The Globally Responsible Atheist

I have lately been constructing arguments against God and the supernatural. I have proven that stuff doesn't exist with science equations. I aspire to be great.