You Should Make Your Kids Write Thank You Notes

It will help them later on, and most importantly, no one will think they are ungrateful jerks

Betsy Denson
The Glorious Grind


There are many things that are going the Way of the Dodo: breakfast cereal, manual transmission, and Nicolas Cage’s hairline to name a few, but expressing appreciation and gratitude by way of a thank you note should not be one of them.

I have to confess that I have not always carried this banner. My husband has long been the ‘Thank You Note Enforcer’ in the house. This started before we were parents when we had a ton of people to thank for wedding gifts. There may have been a spreadsheet involved. I know, Type A++++

But over time, I have come to really appreciate his effort with our kids. Good manners are important. So is gratitude.

And hopefully the habit of writing a personal note — in an age of quick texts and “likes” — is one that will stick until our children are grown. Most of the time, the notes are for gifts given but in later years, they might be a thank you for other things.

As one friend said to me on the subject:

“It’s important to be gracious. It makes people feel respected and special when you are gracious, and…



Betsy Denson
The Glorious Grind

Always looking for the interesting. Incurably curious. Write a new book in my head once a month. Hopefully one will cross the finish line before I'm 80.