Farmers’ harvest boxes will reinvigorate your cooking

The Glowgetter’s Guide
3 min readApr 17, 2018

Need to spice up your cooking in a big way? Subscription harvest boxes may just be what you need if you’re getting bored of sautéing the same veggies each week.

Community supported agriculture is a farm-share system in which you purchase a share of the produce from a local farm, which delivers a box of fresh produce to your doorstep every week. That means you’ll have different fruit, vegetables and herbs, and it’s always a fun surprise to see what’s growing in your region and what ingredients you’ll get to incorporate in your meals.

In addition to the convenience and the delicious taste of fresh fruit and veggies, these doorstep deliveries, have many other benefits for you, the local farmers and the environment.

Fresh, locally grown produce

You can rest easy knowing you’re getting the best of the farm when you’re a member. Each week, you’ll receive a range of fruit and vegetables grown in your area. When you purchase from organic farms, you never have to worry about your produce being sprayed with toxic chemicals and pesticides to preserve them.

Not only is this healthy for you and your family, but you’re also supporting your local farmers and their families.

Learn about your area

You can’t predict exactly what will show up in your box, which is what makes it so fun! These boxes often come with a newsletter explaining each of the ingredients, why the farm is harvesting them and different ways to incorporate them into your cooking. It’s an enjoyable way to learn about the land around you and diversify your palate.

Environmentally friendly

When you buy local produce, you eliminate the carbon dioxide emissions and energy required to transport items and keep them fresh. This local system also removes the hidden costs associated with cross-country travel, which lowers pollution and keeps our environment clean and sustainable.

Special perks with farms

Farmers often offer special access and seasonal deals to their members. You’ll be the first to know about offerings, whether it’s extra strawberries the farm needs to clear out to make room for the new season’s produce, or a neighboring farm has extra grass-fed beef. It’s a great way to connect with your local farms and ensure no food goes to waste.

Saves time, stress and money

Going to the store after a long day of work and sifting through all the produce to make sure it’s not old or moldy can be draining. With your harvest boxes, you never have to worry if your fruit and vegetables have been sitting at the store forever while dozens of shoppers touch by them. In fact, you won’t even have to worry about setting aside time to go to the grocery store in the first place!

The convenience of a membership is one you’re sure to love. Prices vary from $35–55 per week for 12–30 pounds of product. This largely depends on the farm, as each has their own method. If you’re ready to reinvigorate your cooking, find your local participating farm with Local Harvest’s database!



The Glowgetter’s Guide

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