NaNoWriMo, Acknowledging Our Limits and Becoming a More Thoughtful Author

Once again NaNoWriMo has forced me to think to my writing process and see a bit further on my writing path

The Cogs and Gears Storyteller


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

I don’t like to admit defeat. When I take up a challenge, I do it because I know I can get through it, no matter how much effort it may require.

When I decided to once again take part in NaNoWriMo this year, I did so on the persuasion that this would be my seventh consecutive win. I had a plan. Not a very hard one, I’ll admit, but still, back in September, I thought I could do it.

Then a few things happened:

  1. My working shifts went crazy. October has always been the busiest month of the year where I work, but this year was just insane. Because of a couple of family crises and work emergencies, I ended up working all through the day, every day. I would take the train to work at 8:00 in the morning and take the train back home at 8:00 in the evening. After one month and a half of this, I was a walking zombie.



The Cogs and Gears Storyteller

Author of historical fantasy set in the 1920s | Creative writing coach | Dieselpunk | Hopeless Tolkien nerd