Suspension of Disbelief: Never Risk to Lose Your Reader’s Emotional Involvement in Your Story

Coherence, logic, cohesiveness: these are the characteristic of the story that suspends disbelief.

The Cogs and Gears Storyteller
Jan 12, 2021


Photo by Daniel Tafjord on Unsplash

The suspension of disbelief is the readers’ willingness to accept as credible facts and characters they would ordinarily consider incredible.

The suspension of disbelief is an essential part of modern storytelling.
Modern readers know that stories are not facts. They know that events and characters aren’t real, even when they look like they are. Yet readers accept them as real for the duration so to be able to enjoy the story.




The Cogs and Gears Storyteller

Author of historical fantasy set in the 1920s | Creative writing coach | Dieselpunk | Hopeless Tolkien nerd