Closing Off These Portals & Learning About The Arkening

Reynauld The Grave Digger
The Golden Horde Blog
4 min readOct 29, 2018

The Arkening is fully underway and these harrowed halls get darker by the second. The evil is ramping up and we need more of the community in order to stop it. This is the first time I’ve noticed the evil seep into Ark before, my mind may be fragile for technology but I can spot doom when it arrises. You must prepare yourselves for the events that will unfold this week and as I have mentioned in the transcript prior, there will be rewards untold both physical and economical for those whom dare to face the demise in front of them.

The History Of The Arkening

I’ve seen this evil build for months on end, wallowing, watching and waiting for its moment to rise and on these dark October nights it knows that its time has come. In order for you to understand the severity of what we face, you must be taken back to the day it finally seeped into our lands. I was a mere trainee when things started changing, people would go missing, spirits would haunt the living and time seemed to grind slowly to a halt. When the evil came close it made its presence felt, the first indicator was a slight chill to the back of the neck, hairs would stand on edge as if they were bristled by something near by, shadows grew closer and more defined like the night was setting in with a sharpened pace and without a second chance, those around you would vanish with nothing out of place. So read on through this passage, discover further clues to your problems, events that will need your help and evil that needs to be crushed for good.

I come to you, the Ark community for you know not what is amongst you and what you may fear yet unknown. We’ve seen the smartbridge be corrupted by the harrow and I’ve noticed a few of you trying to end these nightmarish portals for good by deciphering the smart bridge codes and you must keep this up! I’ve taken several liberties into helping you with these codes and mapped it to a graphic for which may help you discover the end of these tricks.

If you’re not familiar with the corruption arising from the Smart Bridge, on Saturday messages have been spawning from two Ark wallets:

These wallets have sent out ciphered riddles which lead to what seems to be what I have been told is BIP39 compatible words. I’ve noticed a good amount of community members trying to solve this and they also uncovered confirmed words:

With this information I know you’ll be able to beat back the darkness and I’ve uncovered the reward which lies at the end of these words in the form of this wallet:

What you do with this reward is up to you, I suppose the first person who reaches the end and cracks the code shall decide what they wish to do with the 200 Ark. However there is an extra reward for the first 10 messages from this address. If you send a transaction to my address from the reward address so I know you have defeated the portal:


In this transaction include your slack username in the SmartBridge.. I will contact those of you with information on claiming the reward.

Crossword Puzzle

On top of this I’ve been told that there is also an Ark crossword puzzle which can be completed. If you send me your finished version either on Slack or Twitter ( the first ten to do so will win a prize!

