Introducing The Ark Herald

Colby Mort
The Golden Horde Blog
3 min readDec 15, 2018

Today we’re pleased to announce an idea that we’ve had for quite some time titled The Ark Herald. This will be a community lead initiative that will be released within the next week and will be something that we focus a lot of our resources on as we believe it will really help grow Ark whilst also giving the current community extra material to engross themselves in.

What Is The Ark Herald?

The Ark Herald aims to be Ark’s first community run news website that covers technical articles, community articles and a weekly run down both for Ark Directory and a general weekly roundup.

We believe that we can grow The Ark Herald to be a strong force of good for the community and something that not only helps Ark get more recognition but further adds to the content available for reading by those interested in Ark. We will also be having general crypto articles so as to attract others from outside the reach of our community, we can then build up an audience and spread the word about what Ark is trying to achieve.

The Ark Herald Team

The Ark Herald will be made up of any community member who wishes to contribute articles to the site, this is beneficial for the writer as they can spread any ideas they may have whilst also contributing to Ark. We’ve already established contacts with a few members who will be writing some initial articles and if you are reading and would like to help out then please contact u/oZanderhoff on Reddit or Colby (The Golden Horde) on Slack!

Effective from today onwards we are also using 5% of our TGH delegate forging rewards that we put towards ACF funding to instead help fund rewards and incentives for writers of the Herald, we believe this is in everyones best interests as the appeal for ACF funding has died out amongst delegates and this contribution to The Ark Herald will in our opinion have a good impact on Ark providing we can consistently provide valuable resources to the community. To note this won’t change the payout to our voters, we’re merely shifting 5% from funding the ACF to funding the Herald!

What You Can Expect From The Ark Herald

The Ark Herald will aim to have several articles released weekly covering a broad range of topics, on top of this we will also be producing video content to supplement the written articles so that way we have various mediums to reach and engage audiences. We will also be having an auditory version of each article to help those who may not have the ability to read our articles (be this impairments or simply not enough time) as we want to be as inclusive as possible.

In The Loop

Launching in the next few months, weekly and monthly breakdowns for Ark in both video and written format. We’re working with delegate Cryptology to provide this service and it will be a comprehensive breakdown for Ark’s blockchain data (such as number of transactions, unique wallet growth) as well as social stats!


Also some members of the Ark Community have been wondering what we are going to do about the Ark Community Digest and we can happily announce that these articles will be relaunched on The Ark Herald when it releases with a new article next week featuring a very involved member of Ark… Goose!

AIP Articles

AIP’s are an important part of the technology proposals for Ark and therefore we want to help make the daunting prospect of an AIP something which everyone can understand. We’ll be first working with Mak to give you all some insight into his AIP proposals and what difference they can make to Ark!

Social Media

You can follow the Ark Herald on social media upon release as we will also be launching an Ark Herald Twitter & Instagram to keep you up to date on anything launched on the Herald. Stay tuned next week for more information and please do get in touch with us if you have any ideas you’d like to see created!

