The Golden Horde Returns — What We’ve Been Up To & What You Can Expect From Us Soon

Colby Mort
The Golden Horde Blog
4 min readMar 25, 2019

You may be wondering where The Golden Horde has been all this time, we’ve been pretty publicly inactive within the Ark Slack and Reddit recently and we wanted to apologise for our absence, we know there has been a plethora of awesome new updates from the team and the Ark community which is amazing. This article is aimed at giving you all an update on what to expect from us and also what we’ve been up to lately!

Our Absence

Unfortunately over the past few months a few personal issues popped up for myself which lead to me not being present or having the motivation to keep up with all the things we wanted to do with TGH, my partner Jolan has kept chugging along during this time, with most of his work on maintaining our server and infrastructure as well as working on Arkvatar 2.0 which truly promises to be an amazing experience for you guys and the crypto scene in my opinion.

Thankfully I’ve spent most of my time fixing these issues and I’m happy to be back and motivated on spreading the word about Ark and doing some really cool things at TGH. I’m eager to work on a bunch of things for Ark and the crypto scene in general and we hope you guys will enjoy what we have in store.

What We’ve Been Working On

Whilst we’ve been away from the public side of things, we have still been working on some of our ideas.

TGH Merch

We’re still full steam ahead with our merchandise items and currently we’re experimenting with our clothing items, here’s some test items that we’re pretty sure you will like!

Ark Heroes Telegram Stickers

We’ve also added three new Ark themed stickers to our Telegram stickers pack, this time covering some seasonal traditions and also incorporating Justin and Alex, two of the Ark team members into the pack!

What You Can Expect From Us In The Coming Months

Arkvatar 2.0

The first thing that we’ll mainly be doing is launching Arkvatar 2.0 so that you can create really great avatar’s for your cryptocurrency wallets. We’ve made this a really accessible application for developers and users alike, we’re positive you will enjoy it!

Reddit & Slack Engagement Program

We’ll also be re-booting our Reddit & Slack Engagement Program in the month of April. This will work so that one random Ark Slack user will get one of our designs and on Reddit, the user with the most engaging Reddit post in April will also get a piece of wall all art for free!

TGH Merch

Of course we’ll also be going full steam ahead with our merchandise, really trying to focus on getting our shop up and running and getting awesome artwork out to whoever wants it. We don’t want to give any eta on this but we’re excited for when this does happen.

The Ark Herald

One of the last things we mentioned was the Ark Herald, a community ran news website for the Ark Ecosystem. This is still one of our priorities as it could be a great benefit to Ark and that’s why we’ll be working on getting this up and running for everyone to enjoy.

Ark Community Digests

In April we’ll also be bringing back a crowd favourite, the Ark Community Digest! This is a series where we interview some of the Ark community members and get to know them better, hear their thoughts on Ark and understand why they were interested in Ark in the first place. This will be a reboot of this series and we hope to add some additional elements to spice up the next articles.


We’re really excited about being back amongst you all in the Ark community, we feel there is a lot that can be done to help push Ark forward and we intend to do what we can from now on to help out where possible! Thanks for everyone reading this article and we look forward to giving you more information on our plans! Until then make sure to follow our Twitter accounts to stay up to date with everything TGH!

Our Society Twitter:

Our Merch Twitter:

