Why a Good Boss Needs to Be a Great Juggler

Gaurav Jain
The Good Boss
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2023



Have you ever watched a magician juggling balls, or a circus performer juggling rings?

Juggling is hard. It requires skill. And most of all, it requires attention.

You lose focus, and the ball or the ring is guaranteed to drop. Not what you want.

Leadership vs Management

Are you a leader or a manager? What’s the difference between leadership and management? These are common questions in the corporate world, and I’m sure you would have either heard or asked these questions yourself at some point.

“Management is doing things right; Leadership is doing the right things.” — Peter Ducker

Leadership vs Management. Credit: Author

Leadership: What defines a leader is their influence, motivation, and vision rather than their formal rank or title. A leader will choose the course of action, inspire and involve their teams, and foster an atmosphere that encourages development and new ideas. Motivating people to excel, creating a feeling of community, and promoting growth are all hallmarks of effective leadership. A leader focuses on how the organization…



Gaurav Jain
The Good Boss

Experienced technology leader by day and passionate storyteller by night. I write about leadership, engineering and life in general.