Practical Guide To Asses and Transform toward a Datacentric Product Organisation

Emanuel Kuce Radis
The Good CTO
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2023

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In the transition towards data product-centric organizations, it’s crucial to recognize and address various challenges

Understanding Data Products: Traditional product teams might not fully grasp the nuances of data products, such as their probabilistic nature and dependency on unstructured data.
Training Needs: Both product and technology teams require education on the specific aspects of data products. There is a need to understand the new quality controls and acceptance criteria that differ from traditional DevOps practices.
Compliance and Data Security: Enhanced compliance and data security are imperative, especially with data products relying on unstructured data and new technologies like generative AI.
Evolving UX: The emergence of human communication-capable chatbots and other AI-driven tools revolutionizes the UX. Teams need to be aware of how sentiment analysis, personalization, and similar capabilities can alter user interactions and product strategies.

Step-by-Step Framework for Data Product Transformation

Step 1: Comprehensive Assessment

Conduct an assessment focusing on data readiness, team competencies, technology capabilities, and current compliance and security measures.

Step 2: Product Transformation Roadmap Development

Develop a roadmap aligning transformation objectives with company goals, including strategic initiatives, milestones, and timelines.

Step 3: Technology Architecture Roadmap

Plan for infrastructure changes and technology integration, ensuring scalability and adaptability for future advancements.

Step 4: Compliance and Ethics Framework Establishment

Create a compliance and ethics framework specific to data products, set policies, and implement training programs.

Step 5: UX Assessment and Strategy

Assess the current state of UX, especially in light of generative AI capabilities. Develop a strategy that incorporates AI-driven personalization, sentiment analysis, and user engagement enhancement.

Step 6: Implementation and Continuous Improvement

Begin implementing strategies, monitor progress, adapt based on feedback, and provide ongoing training to teams.


This guide outlines a holistic approach to transforming into a data product-centric organization. By addressing the unique challenges and following a structured implementation framework, organizations can effectively navigate the complexities of this transition, ensuring success in the dynamic landscape of data product development.

Next Chapter Teaser: “Ethics and Tech in Data Products” will navigate the intricate relationship between ethical considerations and technological advancements in data products.

