A Selective Calling

The Good Life Fall ‘23
2 min readNov 3, 2023

Callings can be confusing, especially if we confuse our short term interests with long term goals. When we are “called” on, we believe we are supposed to use a specific talent or skill in order to fulfill a life purpose or what we perceive to be one in the moment. When we pick up a new skill and amplify it with passion and effort, it can be seen as a calling if we intensify it enough. Harding describes his journey of following his calling and the multiple experiences deterrence that shifted him until he found his true purpose. For example, he went from following the belief that he would become preacher to being an athlete to the idea of being an aeronautical engineer before following his true calling.

There are multiple circumstances and sometimes societal guidelines that can interfere with our calling. Through Harding’s journey, he ran into many things that prevented him from following temporary dreams as he navigated his interests and beliefs. These factors can make it hard to surpass goals in order to successfully follow and live in our purpose. Harding’s purpose to be a writer proved to be difficult because, it forced a change of environment and people that were the cause of major difficulty, especially with the generation he belonged to. Joining the army was a way to travel and experience life outside the harsh borders of America at the time. To follow a calling, sometimes we have to leave home base and explore life outside of what we’ve always known. Harding’s travel and will power allowed him to meet his purpose and spread the word of himself and the world to carry his purpose of being the voice for those who do not have one.

