Black, White, Good, or Bad

Sarah Row
The Good Life Fall ‘23
2 min readAug 30, 2023

Asking the question “Is a person good or bad?” to me is like asking whether the world is black and white. Being good or bad is not as simple as it might sound on the outside. How do you define and set parameters for what “good” entails? To me good is based on my faith in Christ and my morals, yet another person may believe in another religion, no religion, or something else entirely swaying their entire concept of the word “good” from mine. Although the word “bad” does seem to gather more of a consensus when it comes to the extremes such as murder or bullying. However, as you work towards the central area between the line of good and bad it becomes mighty hard to determine the difference. Sometimes choices are made that may look bad from the outside but the rationality behind them is good. Also to say a person is good or bad is quite difficult to depict unless you can evaluate every single decision they made good or bad to weigh their worth. I agree with Xunzi, “Human Nature is Bad” in the sense that human nature causes us to not be perfect, however, it does not mean we are completely bad. I do not believe we have the capacity to be 100% good at all times. Yet, I have hope in the world and the people around me that they are trying their best every day to not only be good to others but to themselves. Unfortunately, when questioned, “How are you doing?” the typical response is “Good”. Yet there is almost always more going on beneath the surface, life is complicated and messy and not everything is always good, but the simplest way to tie life in a bow is the simple response, “Good”. So, we respond and keep living.

