Facing Challenges with Tranquility

The Good Life Fall ‘23
1 min readSep 29, 2023

I was one of the discussion prompters this week and the question I posed was, what does it take to face challenges with tranquility? I would like to give my own answer to this question. Before this week’s reading, I had never even considered what it would take to achieve this. Personally, I have never been able to face any struggles or challenges with calmness, let alone joy as stated in the reading. However, after thinking hard on the topic, I think the biggest factor in achieving this mindset is the realization and acceptance of disappointment and failure. I feel like the biggest reason dealing with stressors in our environment is so hard, is because of the possible outcomes they can cause. The idea of failing at a task we worked really hard at or being disappointed by a loved one is something we as humans try our hardest to avoid. I feel like each one of us is working everyday to eventually find happiness, and the concept of things that would could push us further away from that can be incredibly overwhelming. I think this is the cause of impulsive reactions and intense emotions in the face of obstacles.

I, however, wont be looking to reach this mindset. Personally, I believe that its our lows that define our highs. If I had never experienced negative feelings after an event, I wouldnt know what it is to experience those incredibly positive moments in my life. Without negative experiences, all the positives would be taken for granted.



The Good Life Fall ‘23

Hey, I'm Nevae! Im 18 years old, my favorite color is green, and I LOVE jellyfish and giraffes. :)