
The Good Life Fall ‘23
1 min readAug 24, 2023

Aristotle has stated that happiness is perceived as a feeling whereas the greek gods have said that it is only apart of what constitutes happiness. In the reading it brings up the question that are we truly happy? or does the human mind just make it seem like you’re happy when certain things happen to you. In the quote that Aristotle has on page 25 and 26 he talks about how everyone agrees on the word happiness and would desire to have it. He also gives examples about how if you’re poor being rich is desired happiness for you. But for others that’s not the case. When it comes to being truly happy there is no real definition and Aristotle has shown and proven that. The word happiness is something that people use to aspire to have something and it is in human nature to want to always have the best rather than the bare minimum. So with that is anyone truly happy or are people just in a state of being that others would want to be in that is dubbed as the good life or being truly happy?

