Is Nature Predetermined?

The Good Life Fall ‘23
2 min readSep 1, 2023

This writing opens up with the idea that people are born with naturally bad nature. I disagree with this idea because I do not think nature is predetermined. I think people’s nature is determined by how they grow up. The setting and environment is crucial to how people end up acting and perceiving things. People’s ideas get influenced by who they choose to watch as they grow up. After growing up in New York, and moving to Florida at the age of nine, it was a cultural shock. I grew up very differently compared to my new peers. Also everyone has different opinions on what makes a “Bad person” or a “Good person”, but I do not think that is determined at birth. People act the way they do from experiences they had lived and what they have learned. Along with that, people can change overtime. If someone is going through a dark time in their life they can work on themself and grow. Nature is not set in stone. Nature predisposes you to the behaviors around you; however, your personal experiences and choices lead you to either follow the behavior you know or break the pattern. An example could be the contrast of a child living in a third world country versus a first world country. Children in third world countries are introduced and settled into habits such as crime, stealing, and murder because they are on a need to survive basis. In a first world country a child is more use to be nurtured and provided for; therefore, they do not need to fall back on criminal behavior to survive. People are not born “naturally bad” they learned these were right in their early years.

