Perceptions of Happiness

k mckenzieee
The Good Life Fall ‘23
2 min readAug 24, 2023

Aristotle’s Quote from the bottom of page 25 to the top of page 26 offers a compelling view of happiness. I found this quote so intriguing because he expounds on how everyone, for the most part, agrees on the word happiness, which is desired and sought after by many. Nonetheless, He expresses that when it comes to defining what happiness is, not only do we all have different perceptions of what it means, but our understanding of happiness is something that constantly changes. He exemplifies this by explaining how in sickness, health might be considered happiness and in poverty, wealth could be considered happiness as well. This quote resonated with me because it allowed me to realize how not only have I had a changing perception of happiness as I evolve, but those perceptions change due to the context of my life. This not only applies to me in my life but to others as well. I think it’s important to reflect on this because many times we don’t think about the dynamic nature of our human lives. Knowing this, we as humans need to appreciate and value the evolutionary nature of our lives. Mainly because it reminds us of the constant growth and change we go through in our everyday lives. In addition to that, it allows us to be more accepting and unbiased of what others consider to be happiness. Furthermore, we can appreciate the diverse and complex meanings of happiness that are unique to each individual. Which ultimately fosters an environment where we are encouraged to connect with others on a deeper and more intimate level.

