Week 10:Perception of love

The Good Life Fall ‘23
2 min readOct 19, 2023

If everyone searched “What's the definition of love?”, we could all get the same answer, but if someone asks, “What is the definition of love to you?” there would be many different responses. Everyone can perceive The meaning of love differently, and I think the idea is based on everyone’s experiences with love. Society teaches everyone how love should look; sometimes, it is incorrect. Choosing to post about your love life on social media is very popular nowadays, but with the norms of social media, people are very picky about what they want to post and tend only to post the good parts of the relationship. This makes the public see a “perfect relationship” which can trigger jealousy. This can result in other people becoming obsessed with the idea of having a significant other and cause them to rush into a relationship before both parties are ready for it. If the relationship ends negatively and the people involved get hurt, they may now have a different understanding of love. They could think “I never see so and so get in arguments, so why do we?”. I agree with the statement “Many people in our culture do not know what love is” because we were all taught what love was differently while we were growing up. This could be from early relationships or even from our parents or the guardians we grew up with. If there was a set demonstration of “how to love” I think we may all have similar understandings of it, but sadly, that is not the case these days.

