week 11

Jailyn green
The Good Life Fall ‘23
1 min readOct 27, 2023

I did the 10- minute meditation. What I took away from this spiritual practice was that I was able to just let go of the things that were holding me back. whether it was relationships, school, practice, etc. I think whenever we ever feel this type of stress, turning to spirituality can help. It can help physically and mentally. We never want to get into the state where we are so stressed over something to the point where we can’t eat, sleep, or even leave the room. I know with me, I will either turn to spirituality or prayer. When I’m at the point in my life where I can’t physically or mentally control my emotions and what I’m feeling, I will always turn to either of those. I know it can often be difficult to try and control our emotions, it’s never an easy thing. But when we turn to something that can help with our emotions, why not use it? Instead of being stressed and never knowing what to do. Sometimes when I’m not in the correct state to do either a prayer or turning to spirituality, I often find myself writing down my emotions. If there is something on my mind, I will write it down on my phone. When I can’t speak to someone or even pray about it, I will write it down. This 90% often helps me because when I write these emotions down, I will always come back to them and pray or do a mediation about what I was feeling at the time.

