Week 11: Meditation

Hannah Walker
The Good Life Fall ‘23
2 min readOct 26, 2023

I am not someone who has always participated in mediation. Not because I thought it was bad or would be unhelpful, I had just never thought of doing it. Fairly recently, however, I have tried to meditate more, especially when I’m stressed. I have found it extremely helpful since starting to do it. I will say, though, it is not the easiest thing to do. I think this is because of multiple reasons. For me personally, I have ADHD so trying to get my brain to calm down enough to really meditate can be really hard, especially if I’m really stressed out. My brain almost always feels like it’s going 100 mph so calming it enough for me to really meditate is something I’m still working on. I also think meditation can be difficult because we live in a time where distractions are much more accessible. We are constantly on our phones, looking for the next TikTok or Insta post that will give us a little bit of. instant dopamine. The reality is, meditation is not instant dopamine. It’s something to be worked at. The payoff for that work, however, in my opinion, is extremely. Because we do live in a society where everything goes by so fast (i.e. a new trend every week, consuming videos less than a minute long, etc.), I feel that it’s beneficial for us to force ourselves to slow down and just be. I realize that meditation may not be for everyone but I do feel that everyone should try it. Just being in the moment, without distractions and without feeling the need to be going super fast all the time, is really important.

