Week 2 Blog Response

The Good Life Fall ‘23
2 min readAug 24, 2023

Epictetus wrote that everything we are given in life can and will be taken away from us so we should not mourn the loss. This really resonated with me. This subject is mainly catered toward physical items but I took it a step forward with people. I have always had a weird way of thinking when it comes to death. I believe that death does not have to be a scary thing because it is going to happen in the end. Everything is temporary. Death has this stigma where everyone believes death has to be sad. I think this form of thinking could have come from theatre. Theatre is an art in which we work extremely hard to perform a show and after the performance days, it disappears. All that hard work was for nothing but a memory and the ability to say that you did it. Nothing of physical substance is left from the show. It is always the thought process of “Okay, now that this is over what is next?” The idea of working on something for a really long time and then the work just disappearing isn't an uncommon occurrence in my life. I also think that as college students we are in such a temporary state of being at the moment. Nothing we do in this time period will be our everyday. We are all extremely comfortable with existing in the temporary. I think that society views your college days in the same way. The saying “Back in my college days” is a pretty common phrase in which everyone understands that that was a temporary point in your life to move toward your overall end goal. Nothing is permanent and everything is temporary.

