Week 7: Significance of Actions

Hannah Walker
The Good Life Fall ‘23
2 min readSep 29, 2023

I believe that actions are things of substance. Words can draw people in and get them to believe you or believe in you but without actions to back them up, what weight do you words hold? We see it in politicians all the time, all talk but no game and I believe one it is one of the big reasons why are country is so much more divided than it was ten years ago. I also see it everyday life and fall victim to it as well. I feel that this is because we as a society feel the need for everything to be perfect. “I have to look Insta-ready for the rest of the world”, “I need to ensure that room is spotless”, “I have to make good grades or I’m a failure”, “If these people on social media have a spotless life, then so should I”. I feel that because we set such high standards for ourselves, we feel obligated to not disappoint people in our words but can fall short when backing those words with actions. The more we talk, the more we have on our plate to live up to and this impossible standard of perfect weighs us down. I feel that this only worsens as social media becomes more and more apparent. It worries me not only for our mental health, but also the mental health of younger generations. The iPad kid is already a thing (which is another discussion entirely) and these children are growing up in a world that has only ever had social media. How will that affect them growing up? Will the need to be perfect affect them so much that they will only ever be concerned with words that make them seem perfect rather than actions that may not make them seem perfect, but human?

