Blog 9

Jenise Waithe
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readMar 5, 2024

On page 215 it says that virtues are in the popular estimate rather than exception than the rule. They separate man and their actions. The part that caught my eye was where it said men do good deeds for courage or charity. If you read more, you understand that the point that is trying to get across is that some people perform what society sees as “good actions” as a duty or apart from it being genuine or from the heart. He highlights some differences between actions that are performed out of morals or if they were just made to “meet society’s standards”. Overall, He believes that true moral integrity comes from following one’s own inner guidance and principles, rather than simply conforming to external expectations. To tie this into real-life scenarios an action that is done just because its societal norms is when you are walking through a door and it’s just instinct to hold the door for the next person. For some people though they may not want to hold their door, it is just polite to do so and that is the norm. An example that would be from the heart would be maybe someone dropped their papers and people are just walking by them, but you take the time out of your day to stop and help them pick up their belongings.

