How love gets twisted

Alex Willis
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readMar 28, 2024

According to M. Scott Peck love is “an act of will-namely, both an intention and action” but how realistic is that definition? The base of love is a feeling and while it can be responded to with action those actions do not define the love itself. Love is care and compassion mixed with a connection that you have with that person. Saying that love is defined by actions and intentions is actually a very harmful way to approach love. When someone claims they love you but say nasty things to you and beat you down mentally but sometimes are very kind, they do not love you. That is often how abusers make victims stay or even just how toxic people stay in one’s life. Love should never be accompanied by hostility and abuse, those two cannot coexist together. To love someone is to nurture them spiritually, emotionally, and physically while giving them needed support. However, the love you give should be the same love given back, if they are unable to care for you the way you need to be cared for consistently that is one-sided and unhealthy. The misinterpretation of love as just a feeling or just someone’s actions is very common and causes many people to be hurt. Love starts as just a feeling that grows through actions and quality time, the, the sooner that concept is understood the sooner many people can avoid undesireable situations they may be stuck in.

