Is a Predictable Life a Good Life?

Alex Willis
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readFeb 9, 2024

Many wish they knew exactly what would happen in there life, but would that be good? Having a predictable life can cause a decrease in work ethic and even a decrease in goal setting. For example, if you play a sport and you already knew you were going to win all the games you play would those wins still mean as much? You already know the outcome of everything which can cause you to not want to put in much effort or you would just end up bored of the sport. Having the events in your life be easily predictable would make your life feel like that sport, it would feel like there is no point in putting your heart into something if you already know whether or not you are going to get the result you want. Unpredictability in life is what drives us to to want to achieve anything. We never know what the consequences of our actions are going to be until it happens, which allows us to take risks and try new things. Without these risks and rewards we will not be able to feel the emotions that come with achievements whether is be excitement or heartbreak, these feelings are what make us feel alive and give us a reason to continue working in life.

