Is Emptiness a Good Thing?

Alex Willis
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readMar 21, 2024

Feeling empty is when one is not feeling their full range of emotions or they feel like they are missing a part of themselves, though that feeling is often related to negative feelings can something good be brought out while feeling empty? The main feelings surrounding emptiness are exhaustion, numbness, loneliness, and a disconnection from others, and it is completely normal to feel these emotions throughout life as we are just human. Emptiness can occur after a traumatic event in one’s life, but that feeling of emptiness can help you sit back and grieve the situation while fully coming to terms with it and moving forward. Feeling e,mpty can be liberating because it can serve as a catalyst for change as it can be a sign that something needs to be changed in one’s life. This also allows people a better chance for self-discovery and self-awareness as they reflect on their past and prepare for the future. While emptiness can be beneficial for someone’s path to bettering themselves it can, more than not, also cause unsettling feelings of dissatisfaction and a lack of self-esteem that can even lead to depressing thoughts or remind them of past trauma. How emptiness effects a person is largely dependent on how that person views the feelings, when someone feels unsettled by the feeling of emptiness they can either embrace it and try to change it or become overtaken by the feeling.

