Love (Week 11)

Lainey Pettit
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readMar 28, 2024

In “Clarity: Give Love Words” it is written, “To truly love we must learn to mix various ingredients- care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, and trust, as well as honest and open communitcation.” (Page 5). Before reading this chapter, I had never thought about communication being a super important aspect of love. I think that it is very valid though, to include open communication as a necessary aspect of love. As a people pleaser, I have always had issues with communicating my true thoughts and feelings to the general public. This isn’t something that really harms daily interactions with people in passing. I can easily vary conversations and get what needs to get done done simply by communicating very simply. However, when it comes to deep meaningful relationships it very often becomes a problem when people cannot fully express themselves. This is something that I have always struggled with. I can talk all day long, but weather I am discussing how I truly feel or going in depth about why is a whole different story. In my experience it truly is a testament of love when I feel like I have the ability to 100% openly and honestly communicate with someone about anything. It is a powerful thing to find the kind of love where you have never worried about if something you say is going to ruin the relationship.

