Surround yourself with people who Reveal your Treasures

emily rankin
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readFeb 1, 2024

“Regard the person who sees your faults as a revealer of treasures. Associate with that skilled person as one who is wise, who speaks reprovingly. Keeping company with such a person, things get better, not worse.” — The Buddha

Your friends and those close to you should accept and love you for who you are, and they should bring out your best side. The people closest to you have seen you at your worst and at your best and still want you in their lives. I really liked it when the Buddha said that ‘things will get better, not worse’ when you keep company with such people. I think it applies heavily to living a good and full life. Surrounding yourself with people who bring the best out of you can only enhance your life and make your experiences greater and more enjoyable. I also think that these people will influence you to make good decisions and will keep you on the right path. They will help you keep and build good habits, which will, in turn, make your life good and more enjoyable. I think the people a person surrounds themselves with are very influential in practically every aspect of that person’s life.

