Week 12

Savannah Limehouse
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readApr 3, 2024

Im the reading Let your life speak, the first chapter, listening to life, the author is describing how a person truly reaches their vocation in life. Initially they state, “Trying to live someone else’s life, or to live by an abstract norm, will invariably fail — and may even do great damage.” Sometimes life will cause people to feel pressured to fall into the norms of society and stray away from their passions in life. When that happens, majority of the time, the person will feel lauded and eventually fail at the false life they are choosing. Later in the text it states, “vocation does not come from willfulness. It comes from listening.” Which is something I agree with. As much as you fight to want to do something. There is a specific calling for each and every person that they must listen to. The chapter relates intentions to ones vocation, that a person can have great intentions, but if that is no their intended path it will be worthless. There is a plan set for you based on your hard and soft skills that you inherent and learn throughout your life. And trying to force it or make a new plan for yourself will only cause confusion and anger in ones life.

