Week 13 Blog

Wyneshka Blasnich
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readApr 16, 2024

In this week’s reading, Ed Yong’s When I Became a Birder, Almost Everything Else Fell Into Place, I found Yong’s story very comforting. Young tells a story of becoming a bird watcher and despite seeming excessive it has provided meaningful experiences, meditation, and joy. “I have value to my world and my community beyond ceaseless production and that pursuits like birding that foster joy, wonder, and connection to place are not sidebars to a fulfilled life but their essence”- Young. I may not be a bird watcher but I relate with loving and admiring nature in general. From the small rocks to the tall trees, and the beautiful skies and waters. I always find myself admiring parts of nature. “I also feel a much deeper connection to the natural world”, and “I find myself noticing small shifts in the weather and small differences in habitat.”- Young, I also find a deep connection with nature and use it as a source of relaxation and meditation and notice the small details in the change of seasons and weather. Since I was younger I’ve collected rocks and have been fascinated with them. I love crystals, shells, rocks, fossils, and anything of that sort and have even been a little obsessive over some at times. But if they bring me meaning and joy I don’t see the harm in that. meditation can lead to the good life by allowing some time to relax doing whatever brings you joy. And Young made it clear it can be anything.

