Week 4

Malachi Fleming
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readJan 30, 2024

This week I found my interest being more geared towards Xunzi’s work. Unlike last week, I can say that I agreed with a chuck of what this writer was saying. I do agree that it takes effort to be good. I also agree that teachers, role models, parental figures, and anybody over you have the ability to positively influence your character or negatively diminish it. When you are a child, you are a sponge. Everything that you come in contact with has the ability to influence you, because you're at a stage where you're trying to figure out this world and yourself. Therefore, I agree with the reading on that behalf; but I don't agree that human nature is bad.

I grew up going to church, and I am a strong believer in Christianity. With that being the case, I learned that we were made in the image of our creator. For the people that know anything about the bible, that would mean that we are made in the likeness of God. God is a good and perfect being, so if the case is that we are made in his image. That would mean we are made perfect and good. I also just don't see how anything newborn can be labeled bad without doing anything to warrant that label, but that's neither here nor there.

