Week 6

The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readFeb 15, 2024

I really enjoyed reading rioting as flourishing, rioting has been around for years and is a topic that has many controversial opinions because many people have the same question: Is rioting right or wrong? Some people believe it’s unfair to damage businesses and people’s personal items (Vehicles, Apartments, etc.) who have nothing to do with the situation that caused the riots just to prove a point. Others believe that this is the only way they can get their points across and gain acknowledgement that change needs to occur. The article poses the question of, “might one think of rioting as a means of moving toward flourishing, as a way for an oppressed people to more fully express their person- hood and potentially force positive social change?” My answer to this is I definitely think rioting can be viewed as a means of moving towards flourishing, however I think it also depends on the actions performed by each individual. For example, I don’t think it’s fair for people rioting to burn down a building then claim this was their way of moving towards flourishing and influencing positive social change. This reading made me wonder if people who participated in riots would consider themselves living a good life? I think it just depends on the individual and how they view their living status, but I still found it interesting to think about.

